Going the distance — Tom Evans
It’s not always the fastest runner who wins. To succeed at ultra running requires a curated personal toolkit. One derived from hours of preparation that doesn’t just train the legs, but also the guts and the mind. “When you’re running in these conditions it’s so difficult — it's technical under foot, or it’s dark, muddy, it’s steep. You've got to be mentally with it.” — Tom Evans
“Mindset in ultra running is the most important thing. It’s not your legs or your lungs that are going to win races — it’s your mind.”

“You’ve got to be able to focus for the whole race. And actually, being able to focus for 20 hours is really tough. And that’s what makes ultra distance trail running so exciting.”

Words by Ross Lovell, Motion by Oliver Grenaa, Stills by Oliver Grenaa, Dan King.