Last WoMan standing — Rad Race
The energy of a sporting arena is dictated by the atmosphere generated within — the uniqueness of the spectacle, passion of the crowd, and skill of the athletes. By its cultural backdrop. It doesn't need to be the Colosseum. Rad Race Last WoMan Standing has all the prerequisites for sporting drama. By day the gladiatorial pit is a humble go-kart track, but for one night the ingredients combine in an intense cauldron of unmatched theatre. Rider, Diana, offers a unique insight into what it feels like to experience it — from the inside.

“I've heard a lot about Rad Race Last WoMan Standing. To conquer my first ever fixed-gear race here is very special to me. The unpredictability of this race was creating its very own tension inside of me.”

“There’s only one thing on my mind — tunnel vision. The countless voices, the music, and the atmosphere is melting into one big puddling mass. But the moment I enter the starting grid, everything turns silent. I'm not afraid. I am tense, but not nervous because I know I can do it!"

“Then... Pure adrenaline. My breath is burning in my lungs. The blood is rushing through my ears. But before I can even think about what's going on — I'm in the middle of the race. In front of me, three rear wheels that I won't keep my eyes off. Behind me, the others are just waiting for a mistake. And me holding tight to the perfect line — as long as I can.”

Words by Ross Lovell, Film by Dennis Arndt, Photos by Rad Race