M. Talks x Jan Frodeno.
“Sometimes people feel that they’re not fit, that they’re really struggling, and that they’re not getting through sessions — especially longer sessions. And it could quite simply be a lack of fueling that’s the cause — and it’s happened to me.”
M. Talks is our new series where the world’s greatest athletes take the mic and open up on how they fuel and what you should be thinking fueling-wise when you train and race.
Episode 1 features Jan Frodeno, 3-time IRONMAN world champion, Olympic gold medalist, legend.

“Runners and triathletes alike know that running is the tricky one to figure out because the kind of bouncing that happens is the one thing that will upset your stomach the easiest. I tend not to eat several hours before a run, and if I do, it’s something plain and basic — we’re talking a rice cake.”

Let's get this straight, M. Talks is not a scripted infomercial - this is personal. It's how the very best fuel - day in, day out - in their own words, no holds barred.

“To be really honest. When I first heard about Maurten, I was like, ‘OK, here we go again!’ Because the nutrition industry, in general, is littered with a lot of bullshit!”

Words by Robbie Lawless | Photos by Dennis Lind