Sir Mo Farah — London Marathon
The London Marathon touches people. It lights a spark. One local boy — inspired watching athletes finish in front of Buckingham Palace — has come a long way. Now an inspiration for the next generation, who made it acceptable to believe — to dream big. And so it felt right that London would be the place where Sir Mo Farah laced up his marathon shoes one final time. Nothing to prove — just an opportunity to give back to the crowds of his home city.
“The home crowd really get behind you. You can feel it — it does lift you up. And on Sunday I'm sure the crowd will give me a massive lift. If I'm going through a bad patch, at some point then they will spur me on and cheer me on and get me through it.”

"For me there's nothing to prove. It's about going to do your best and going out there to enjoy yourself. There's no better place to do it than in my own town, where I grew up. Where I made history".

"Each marathon you do is always different. Nobody would tell you that one marathon is the same as another. Some days, straight away, you don't feel great, but you get through it. And at certain points it hits you, perhaps in the middle. But again, you learn from it."

"The marathon has moved forward over the last ten years. So much — it's incredible, really. It motivates you and shows that the sport is moving forward — that people are getting better, stronger. Technology has really developed; energy drinks and fueling strategies are so much better. It has improved so much the focus on what athletes actually need.

"I’m lucky enough to have been in the sport for a very long time, and have seen and experienced a lot. I made mistakes in races early on in my career, but those mistakes helped me to learn and become a better athlete. So to all the youngsters out there — keep doing it, keep enjoying it, keep believing in yourself, and stay willing to learn."

Thanks for everything, Mo.

Words by Ross Lovell, Photos by Jojo Harper