Gel 100 - 48 Box

This is a box of 48 Maurten Gel 100 sachets. Each serving contains 25 grams of carbohydrates encapsulated in Hydrogel Technology. No added colors, preservatives, or flavors.

Box of 48 servings

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Consistency matters. Whether preparing for a marathon, completing the next training block, or working towards a race goal, 48 servings of Maurten Gel 100 is a solution for fueling a sustained training period. Each sachet contains 25 grams of carbohydrates encapsulated in Hydrogel Technology.

Race day is one day — training is year-round. So is fueling. Training at different tempos and intensities promotes the adaptations needed to improve as athletes and should be fueled appropriately. The Maurten Gel 100 – 48 Box provides a longer-term supply of fuel to support that.

Nutrition facts

All Maurten products are delivered with a minimum shelf life of at least four months. But if you don't use them before — they are often still good after.

This is the Gel.

Unlike many other traditional energy gels on the market which tend to be a runny syrup, the Gel 100 and Gel 100 Caf 100 have a firmer, more - well, gel-like structure. Making it a Gel. So one could say, this is the Gel.

No guts, no glory.

By utilising Hydrogel Technology, the carbohydrates packed within the Gel 100 can bypass the stomach to the intestines where they get absorbed, faster, into the body. This also helps in reducing the risk of gastrointestinal distress during activation.


Six ingredients. No preservatives.
No artificial flavors or allergens.
It won't get much cleaner than this.

Used by record-breaking Athletes

Elite Athletes all around the world have discovered and rely on Hydrogel Technology for their training sessions and races. Many have broken records and done the unthinkable.

Fueling right from the start.

The following guidelines outline fueling strategies for common training sessions and race plans. Remember that a fuel guide is highly personal and varies depending on individual diets and also on specific training programs. The following information is for reference only and can help empower your training, by creating, refining, and help you execute your fuel strategy.

To the Fuel Guide 

Science is a part of our nature. And vice versa.

In 2015, we discovered how to make sports fuels easier to tolerate by encapsulating high concentrations of carbohydrates in hydrogels. The sports fuels, based on only natural ingredients, became popular and one year later some of the world's best runners started using our products. The technology is patent pending.

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